Heavy duty smart solutions

Alba wählt Hencon für Großauftrag

26:  that was the number of vehicles Alba Bahrain was looking to source. Being able to choose between several renowned suppliers of specialised vehicles for potrooms, Alba Bahrain chose Hencon as the supplier for its complete Line 6 project fleet.

As Director Business Development Peter Vanvuchelen explained: “At Hencon, we have a long history as a supplier of all these vehicles. We are well-known not just for our reliable vehicles, but also for the service and maintenance we can supply in order to ensure flawless operation. The email from Bechtel in which they congratulated us for being awarded the contract to supply the mobile equipment process vehicles for the complete Alba Line 6 project in Bahrain was the best confirmation and appreciation of what we do at Hencon every day”.

This order for the expansion of potline 6 was without doubt one of THE most important orders of 2017. This expansion required a significant fleet of vehicles in order to realise steady, high-quality and reliable production.

“We are happy to see that our expansion strategy in the Middle East is proving successful” added Commercial Director Elwin Roetman. “We would like to thank Alba and Bechtel for their trust in Hencon. The award of this tender shows the determination of all Hencon employees. We are dedicated to delivering on this contract with Bechtel and are looking forward to the many years in which we can support Alba by keeping this fleet in operation. This is what we mean by Serving Progress`.

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